EQUO at the European Quantum Technology Conference (EQTC) 2023
A poster showing the main features of EQUO project was presented on October 18th, 2023, at the European Quantum Technologies Conference held in Hannover from 16th to 20th October 2023).
EQTC hosted 700+ key figures from science, policy, industry, startups, and emerging talents, 120+ talks, 40+ sessions, 40+ exhibitors.
Every two years, the event features all scientific and technology pillars of the Quantum Flagship and the European ecosystem as well as select global developments.
EQTC is the go-to event for getting an inspiring and intense tour of the European quantum ecosystem.
The poster was prepared with the contributions of D. Bacco (QTI), A. Manzalini (TIM), S. Marigonda (Sparkle), M. Menchetti (QTI) and F. Stocco (Telsy).
(C) Quantum Valley Lower Saxony. All photos licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-SA

EQUO at Algant Alumni Network Symposium (SYMPAAN) 2023

Quantum Key Distribution represents a possible response to the threat rising from the disrupting computational paradigm of quantum computers to current information security. Indeed, whenever a Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computer (CRQC) were available, the mathematical problems, whose hardness ensures the security of current public key cryptography and so of most information security techniques, would be broken.
Francesco Stocco (Telsy) presented this topic to the second edition of Algant the Alumni Network Symposium aimed at mathematicians and held at Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer (FR) at the beginning of October 2023. The talk was focused on EQUO objectives in information security and on EQUO scheduled QKD testbeds
EQUO at Cryptography and Coding Theory 2023

Even if the QKD core technology is quantum, a complete solution also requires classical cryptography components which must maintain the same security level guaranteed by the quantum part of the QKD protocol. In practice, this point turns out to be sometimes underestimated. Furthermore, in terms of maturation and adoption, it is essential to evaluate the integration of QKD into current communication networks.
Francesco Stocco (Telsy) has discussed how these two issues are addressed in the EQUO project at the Cryptography and Coding Theory conference organized by the Italian Mathematical Union (UMI) in Perugia at the end of September 2023. The audience was mainly composed of cryptographers belonging to both academic and industrial fields. The presentation has been prepared together with Davide Bacco (QTI), Antonio Manzalini (TIM) and Silvia Marigonda (Sparkle).